Renewal — It’s Not Just a Spring Thing

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder & Renewal

We have moved into to deep, dark chill of winter. The alarm goes off, it is still dark outside, yet work calls, “Get up, get up, you have to get moving.” Inside you answer, “I’m tired, it’s cold and dark and snowy; I need to sleep.” Your arm reaches out from under the warm covers and brushes against the cool comforter as you hit the snooze alarm several times. Your eyes open heavily. The glitter has fallen. The packages are unwrapped. All that time consumed in shopping, purchasing, wrapping, giving, receiving, and enjoying—now what? The ball has dropped, the horns have blown, the fireworks have boomed, and the party that streamed on for weeks has ended. Now what? read more

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